This tab is used to configure individual user access to reports and features.

For access to phiReport functions, the settings are system-wide, and PRSETUP can be run from any account for these access types.

In user accounts, the Access Detail section only lists local Data Views, Reports, and Categories. So depending on how files are shared between accounts, this PRSETUP may need to be run in individual accounts in order to secure access to these specific access types.

Turn UAC On/Off

This allows phiREPORT security to be toggled for all accounts. When Off, all users can use all functions and see all reports and data.

Access Type

There are two basic Access Types, one for phiReport itself and one for data and reports. Select a specific Access Type to change user access to each type.

Access Detail

For phiReport programs, this shows "Allow Access to Program" as the only option. With this selected, select User Names that will have access to the selected program. For Data Views, Reports, and Categories, the Access Detail shows a list of the created access types. For example, to give access to all reports in category Accounting, select the Access Type Categories, Access Detail is the Accounting category, and then select the Users that have access to those reports.

User Name

When UAC is On, checked users have access to the specific Access Type/Detail options selected. Unchecked users are not able to execute the phiReport programs, to access reports that are in specific categories, or to make use of specific data views.

Check All / Uncheck All

These buttons provide a quick on/off for all items. Individuals can then be toggled.

Allow all Users

This check is equivalent to clicking Check All. This might be preferable as a fast way to recognize that all users have access to a function. When this is checked, individual user selection is disabled.

TIP: User Access Control can be accessed directly from TCL using the PRUAC verb.

See "User Access Control" Topic for more detail.