JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) 

This feature requires the pts4rest service (sold as a separate product).  

Use phiReport to create your JSON data format and generate JSON documents.  Multi-value and sub-value data are automatically formated in nested JSON objects.  Use your dictionary to format the output, all dictionary types are supported including subroutine calls.  

JSON Request:   http{s}://{phirest service domain}/phirest/api/{your account}/phireport/query/json/Orders_by_Customer?sample=200&{query options}

JSON output:

Example using Google Sheets

Example using Microsoft Power BI

These documents in conjunction with the pts4rest RESTfull service can be consumed by any remote clients (desktop apps, web apps, mobile apps and any REST data consumer...) through standard HTTP/HTTPS calls.  

JSON limitation:

  • JSON data is read-only.  JSON update is only supported with the OData.
  • JSON does not define a query structure or format, all query functions are proprietary to phiReport.