OData (Open Data Protocol) is an ISO/IEC approved, OASIS standard that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs.  OData uses the JSON data format

This feature requires the phiRest service (sold as a separate product).  

Use phiReport to create your OData feeds.  Multi-value and sub-value data are automatically formated in OData nested JSON objects.  Use your dictionary to format the output, all dictionary types are supported including subroutine calls.  

Unlike JSON, OData implements a full database type query language and supports data updates.  In short, OData is a the "new" standard way to distribute your Pick MV data to the rest of the world.  OData consumers do not need to understand the underlying structure of your database.

phiReport implements OData version 4 for query and updates.

OData Request:   http{s}://{phirest service domain}/phirest/api/{your account}/phireport/query/odata/Orders_by_Customer?$top=200&{query options}

OData output:

Sample generated OData metadata:

Example using Microsoft Power BI

Example using PragmatiQa XOData