PRE and POST operands are special options that are not operands used in the generated quesry statement.  PRE and POST must be used in conjunction with Pre-Query and Post-Query Processes.  They are the mechanism to pass data to the Pre and Post Query Processes.

To pass data to the Pre/Post query processes, select PRE or POST from the Op droplist and enter a "Search Token" in the Criteria column.  The other columns are not used with PRE and POST.

A Search Token is a special token that instructs the report that a user input is required.  Search Token is any text enclosed between %%@ and %%.  For example, %%@Name%% creates a Search Token called Name.  When the report is run, the user is prompted to enter a value for the Search Token.

In the above example, the user is prompted a "Name" and a "List Name".  

phiReport will execute the Pre-Query TCL command MY-PRE-QUERY-PROCESS passing it the value entered for Name.  



and the Post-Query command SAVE-LIST MYLIST

Note: PRE and POST can be inserted anywhere in the criteria grid, they will not be included in the generated query.

With PRE and POST, only the value in the "Criteria" column is used.